Prof. Dr. Mbunkah Daniel Achukwi (IRAD)
Associate Professor
Institute of Agricultural Research for Development,
Veterinary Research Laboratory Wakwa Regional Center
PO Box 65 Ngaoundere, CAMEROUN
Phone: +237 777 892 5 4

Prof. Achukwi conducts research on important endemic parasites that affect man and livestock in Cameroon.
Together with Dr. Goetz Wahl he started working on bovine onchocercosis on the Adamaoua plateau in 1989. His PhD thesis on “Onchocerca ochengi: parasitological and immunological features including zooprophylaxis with respect to human onchocerciasis” was supported by CEC and WHO in collaboration with the Programme Onchocercoses in Ngaoundéré and the Strathclyde University in Glasgow (Prof. William Harnett).
He is exceedingly experienced in using the bovine onchcerciasis model O. ochengi that is established at IRAD. In this regard, he has expert knowledge in immunological questions applying standard methodology such as serum analyses measuring e.g. antibody responses. The O. ochengi model was successfully used to conduct vaccination studies. In addition, he is also skilled in general parasitological investigation like transmission dynamics and chemotherapeutical approaches, including related filarial parasites of animals (Onchocerca gutturosa) and man (O. volvulus) as well as the anthropo-boophilic Onchocerca-vector, the blackfly Simulium damnosum.