Bayer Science & Education grant received !

Archile Eric Paguem from the University of Ngaoundéré received a scholarship of 5.000 Euro for his project on QTL-analysis of cattle diseases. The aim is to link genetic traits to susceptability or resistance of local cattle to the prevailing pathogens. There area a lartge variety of cattle breeds of taurine and Zebu origin. It is also well known, that these breeds differ with respect to theit suceptability to trypanosomes and othe diseases. In our experiments, we noticed typically different patterns of resistance to Onchocerca ochengi even within herds of cattle of the same breed, kept in tghe same herd and exposed exposed to the same rate of transmission. The aim of the study is to find linkages to genetic traits.

Archile is collaborating with Babette Guimbang (University of Ngaoundéré) and Dipl. biol. Albert Eisenbarth and Alicja Sarneca (Univ. of Tübingen) in Ngaoundéré and Dr. Wolfgang Hoffmann (Univ. Tübingen). His work is supervised by Dr. D. Achukwi (IRAD Cameroon) and Dr. A. Renz (Univ. Tübingen). Samples of cattle-DNA from Cameroon are examined using DNA-chips at the University in Hohenheim (Prof.  Jörn Bennewitz and Dr Siegfried Preuss, Institute of Animal Husbandry and Breeding)

Congratulations to this great success – his project was amonst the 40 selected from over 600 applications, and we whish him good luck and interesting results.  Thanks also to Babette (she works on the same project on a Boehringer grant) and to Albert, who both contributed to prepare this reserach project!