Development of Onchocerca volvulus in man and in the vector fly
design by P. Wenk & A. Renz
Crosstransmission of animal and human onchocercoses (A. Renz)
Morphology of microfilariae in the skin and developing stages in the fly
Microfilaria (DIK, photo A. Renz)
Morphology of adult worms
Morphology of Onchocerca female worm (A. Renz)
The name ‘filaria’ was introduced by the Tübingen zoologist Gmelin in 1790, to describe a genus of very long ‘threadlike’ nematode worms. Filarial parasites are very common in mammals, birds and reptiles. They are transmitted by arthopod vectors, insects, ticks and mites.
Here we present the morphology of Onchocerca ochengi in cattle
The female is about 20 to 40 cm long and lives in an intradermal nodule (=> filarial parasites in cattle)
Onchocerca ochengi adult worms, digested from nodules (photo A. Renz)
The male worm is much shorter and actively moving:
male Onchocerca ochengi worm (photo A. Renz)