Programme Onchocercoses
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A) Original Papers – Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften
1) RENZ, A. & WENK, P. (1981): Intracellular development of the cotton-rat filaria Litomosoides carinii in the vector mite Ornithonyssus bacoti. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 75, 166-168. Intracellular-development-of Litomosoides carinii-Renz-Wenk-1980
2) RENZ, A. & ENYONG, P. (1983): Trials of garments impregnated with “DEET” repellent as an individual protection against Simulium damnosum s.l., the vector of onchocerciasis in the savanna and forest regions of Cameroon. Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie, 95, 92-102. 1983-Renz-Enyong-DEET-treated-Garments-Protection-Simulium-damnosum-Cameroon-komp
3) RENZ, A. & WENK, P. (1983): The distribution of the microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus in the different body regions in relation to the attacking behaviour of Simulium damnosum s.l. in the Sudan savanna of northern Cameroon. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 77, 748-752. Renz-Wenk-1983-Distribution-of-Simulium-bites
4) RENZ, A. & WENK, P. (1987): Studies on the dynamics of transmission of onchocerciasis in a Sudan-savanna area of North-Cameroon. I. Prevailing Simulium vectors, their biting rates and age-composition at different distances from their breeding sites. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 81, Wenk-Renz-1987-Oncho-studies-part-1
5) RENZ, A. (1987a): Studies on the dynamics of transmission of onchocerciasis in a Sudan-savanna area of North Cameroon. II. Seasonal and diurnal changes in the biting densities and in the age-composition of the vector populations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 81, 229-237. Renz-1987-2-biting-densities
6) RENZ, A. (1987b): Studies on the dynamics of transmission of onchocerciasis in a Sudan-savanna area of North Cameroon. III. Infection rates of Simulium vectors and Onchocerca volvulus transmission potentials. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 81, 239-252.Renz-et-al-1987-3-Infection-Rates
7) RENZ, A., FUGLSANG, H. & ANDERSON, J. (1987): Studies on the dynamics of transmission of onchocerciasis in a Sudan-savanna area of North Cameroon. IV. The different exposure to Simulium bites and transmission of boys and girls, men and women, and the resulting manifestations of onchocerciasis. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 81, 253-262. Renz-1987-4-DVF
8 ) RENZ, A., P. WENK, J. ANDERSON & H. FUGLSANG (1987): Studies on the dynamics of transmission of onchocerciasis in a Sudan-savanna area of North Cameroon. V. What is a tolerable level of Annual Transmission Potential in Onchocerciasis ? Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 81, 263-274. Renz-et-al-1987-5-Levels-of-ATP
9) RENZ, A. & P. WENK (1989): Adult Simulium damnosum s.l.: dispersal, migration, host-searching behaviour and vectorial capacity of flies in Cameroon. Commission of the European Communities – Science and Technology for the Development, EUR 121434 EN, 153-155. Adult-Simulium-damnosum-dispersal-migration-host-searching-behaviour-and-vectorial-capacity-of-flies-in-Cameroon-Renz-Wenk-1987
10) DONELSON, J.E., B.O.L. DUKE, D. MOSER, W. ZENG, N.E. ERONDU, R. LUCIUS, A. RENZ, M. KARAM & G. ZEA FLORES (1988): Construction of Onchocerca volvulus cDNA libraries and partial characterization of the cDNA for a major antigen. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 31, 241-250.
11) EICHNER, M. & A. RENZ (1990): Differential length of Onchocerca volvulus infective larvae from the Cameroonian rain forest and savanna. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 41, 29-32. Eichner-Renz-Tropa-1990-length-L3
12) EICHNER, M. & A. RENZ (1991): Development of Onchocerca volvulus microfilariae following intrathoracical injection in different Simulium species from Cameroon. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 5, 293-297. Eichner-Renz-Wahl-Enyong-1991-Ov-mff-injected-Sim-damn
13) FRANZ, M, & A. RENZ (1980): Scanning electron microscope study of infective filaria larvae of Type D and Onchocerca volvulus. Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie, 31, 31-33.
14) HARNETT, W., A.E. CHAMBERS, A. RENZ & R.M.E. PARKHOUSE (1989): An oligonucleotide probe specific for Onchocerca volvulus. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 35, 119-125.
15) THOMPSON, M.C., A. RENZ & J.B. DAVIES (1990): A new PGM electromorph diagnostic for Simulium damnosum from Sierra Leone and Togo but not found in S. squamosum from Cameroon. Acta Leidensia, 59, 303-305.
16) WAHL, G., D. EKALE, P. ENYONG & A. RENZ (1991): The development of Onchocerca dukei and O. ochengi microfilariae to infective stage larvae in Simulium damnosum s.l. and in members of the S. medusaeforme group, following intra-thoracic injection. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 85, 329-337.
17) WAHL, G. & A. RENZ (1991): Transmission of Onchocerca dukei by Simulium bovis in North-Cameroon. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 42, 368-370.
18) TREES, A.J., G. WAHL, S. KLÄGER & A. RENZ (1992): Age-related differences in parasitosis may indicate acquired immunity against microfilariae in cattle naturally infected with Onchocerca ochengi. Parasitology, 104, 247-252.
19 ) HOCH, B., G. WAHL, P. ENYONG, C.G.K. LÜDER, W. HARNETT, H. SCHULZ-KEY & A. RENZ (1993): Onchozerkose in Mensch und Rind: Serologische Erkennung von artspezifischen und kreuzreaktiven Antigenen. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie, 15, 51-60. Hoch et al 1993: Serological recognition.pdf
20) BAIN, O & A. RENZ (1993): Infective larvae of a new species of Robertdollfusidae (Adenophorea, Nematoda) in the gut of Simulium damnosum in Cameroon. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée, 68, 182-184.
21) BAIN, O., G. WAHL & A. RENZ (1993): Onchocerca ramachandrini n.sp. from the warthog in Cameroon. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée 68, 139-143. Bain-Wahl-Renz-1993 pdf
22) SCHULZ-KEY, H., G. WAHL, S KLÄGER & A. RENZ (1993): Onchocerca ochengi in afrikanischen Rindern als Screening Modell für filarizide Substanzen. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie, 15, 17-24.
23) WAHL, G., P. ENYONG, J.M. SCHIBEL, A. NGOSSO, H. TUBBESING, R. MOYOU & A. RENZ (1994): Transmission of Onchocerca volvulus, O. ochengi and Type D filariae by Simulium damnosum s.l. in North Cameroon and its influence on the epidemiology of human onchocerciasis. Parasite, 1, 1S, 7-10.
24) ACHU-KWI, D., W.H. DAIBER, A. RENZ, G. WAHL & S. WANJI (1994): Prepatency period and some aspects of the epizootiology of Onchocerca ochengi infestation in cattle in the Adamaoua Plateau, Cameroon. Parasite, 1, 1S, 10-12. Achukwi-et-al-1994-Prepatency-O-ochengi
25) AKUGUN, O.B & A. RENZ (1994): Further observations on hyperendemic onchocerciasis in the Taraba river valley, Nigeria. Parasite, 1, 1S, 13.
26) HOCH, B., G. WAHL, P. ENYONG, C.G. LÜDER, W. HARNETT & A. RENZ (1994): Onchocerciasis of cattle and man: Serological recognition of parasite specific and cross-reactive antigens. Parasite, 1, 1S, 14. Hoch-et-al-1993-komp
27) RENZ, A., P. ENYONG & G. WAHL (1994): Cattle, worms and zooprophylaxis. Parasite, 1, 1S, 4-6. Cattle-worms-zooprophylaxis-Renz-et-al-1994
28) WAHL, G., M.D. ACHU-KWI, D. MBAH, O. DAWA & A. RENZ (1994): Bovine onchocercosis in North-Cameroon. Veterinary Parasitology, 52, 297-311. Wahl-et-al-1994-Bovine-onchocercosis
29) RENZ, A., A.J. TREES, D. ACHU-KWI, G. EDWARDS & G. WAHL (1995): Evaluation of Suramin, ivermectin and CGP 20376 in a new macrofilaricidal drug screen, Onchocerca ochengi in African cattle. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 46, 31-37. Renz-et-al-new-O-ochengi-macrofilaricidal-drug-screen-1996
30) WILDENBURG, G., A. PLENGE-BÖNIG, A. RENZ, P. FISCHER & D.W. BÜTTNER (1997): Distribution of mast cells and their correlation to inflammatory cells around Onchocerca gutturosa, O. tarsicola, O. ochengi and O. flexuosa. Parasitology Research, 83, 109-120
31) CROSS, H.F., B.M. BRONSVOORT, G. WAHL, A. RENZ, D. ACHU-KWI & A.J. TREES (1997): The entry of Ivermectin and Suramin into Onchocerca ochengi nodules. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 91, 393-401
32) CROSS, H.F., A. RENZ & A.J. TREES (1998): In-vitro uptake of of Ivermectin by adult male Onchocerca ochengi. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 92, 711-720. 1998-CROSS-Renz-Trees-in-vitro-uptake-Ivermectin-Onchocerca-ochengi
33) TREES, A.J., V. WOOD, M. BRONSVOORT, H. CROSS, V. TANYA & A. RENZ (1998): Animal models – Onchocerca ochengi and the development of chemotherapeutic and chemoprophylactic agents for onchocerciasis. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 92, 175-179
34) WAHL. G., P. ENYONG, A. NGOSSO, J.M. SCHIBEL, R. MOYOU, H. TUBBESING, D. EKALE & A. RENZ (1998): Onchocerca ochengi: epidemiological evidence of cross-protection against Onchocerca volvulus in man. Parasitology 116, 349-362
35) TCHAKOUTE, V.L., M. BRONSVOORT, V. TANYA, A. RENZ & A.J. TREES (1999): Chemoprophylaxis of Onchocerca infections: in a controlled, prospective study ivermectin prevents calves becoming infected with O. ochengi. Parasitology, 118, 195-199
36) LANGWORTHY. N., A. RENZ, U. MACKENSTEDT, K. HENKLE-DÜHRSEN, M. BRONSVOORT, V. TANYA, M. DONNELLY & A. TREES (2000): Macrofilaricidal activity of tetracycline and Wolbachia-like organisms.Proceedings of the Royal Society London B, 267, 1063-1069
37) TREES, A.J., S.P. GRAHAM, A. RENZ, A.E. BIANCO & V. TANYA (2000): Onchocerca ochengi infections in cattle as a model for human onchocerciasis: recent developments. Parasitology, 120, 133-142
38) ACHU-KWI, D., W. HARNETT, A. RENZ (2000): Onchocerca ochengi transmission dynamics and the correlation of O. ochengi microfilaria density in cattle with the transmission potential. Veterinary Research, 31, 611-621
39) BRATTIG, N.W., U. RATHJENS, M. ERNST, F. GREISINGER, A. RENZ, F. W. TISCHENDORF (2000): Lipopolysaccharide-like molecules derived from Wohlbachia endobacteria of the filaria Onchocerca volvulus are candidate mediators in the sequence of inflammatory and antiinflammatory resposes of human monocytes, Microbes and infection, 2, 1147-1157
40) SEIDENFADEN, R., A. FISCHER, I. BONW, D. EKALE, V. TANYA & A. RENZ (2001): Combined benefits of annual mass-treatment with ivermectin and zooprophylaxis on the severity of human onchocerciasis in Northern Cameroon. Trop. Med. Int. Health 6, 715-725
41) ACHUKWI, M.D.; HARNETT, W.; BRADLEY, J. & RENZ, A.; (2002): Heterogeneity in Onchocerca ochengi antigen recognition by IgG2 antibodies in cattle with two distinct infestation patterns. Journal of the Cameroon academy of Science. 2. Supplement, 243-250.
42) BORSBOOM, G.J.J.M., B.A. BOATIN, N.J.D. NAGELKERKE, H. AGOUA, K.L.B. AKPOBOUA, E.W.S. ALLEY, Y. BISSAN, A. RENZ, L. YAMEOGO, J.H.F. REMME, J.D.F. HABBEMA (2003): Impact of ivermectin on onchocerciasis transmission. Assessing the empirical evidence that repeated ivermectin mass treatments may lead to elimination/eradication in West-Africa. Filaria Journal 2:8.
43) BRONSVOORT, B.M.deC., A. RENZ, V.T. TANYA, L. FLECKENSTEIN, D. EKALE & A.J. TREES: UMF 078: A modified flubendazole with potent macrofilaricidal activity against Onchocerca ochengi in cattle. In Vorb.
44) ACHUKWI, D., W. HARNETT, J. BRADLEY, A, RENZ (2004): Onchocerca ochengi acquisition in zebu Gudali cattle exposed to natural transmission: parasite population dynamics and IgG antibody subclass responses to Ov10/Ov11 recombinant antigens. Vet Parasitol. 122(1):35-49.
45) GILBERT, J., C.K. NFON, B.L. MAKEPEACE, L.M. NJONGMETA, I.M. HASTINGS, K.M. PFARR, A. RENZ, V.N. TANYA, A.J. TREES (2005): Antibiotic chemotherapy of onchocerciasis: In a bovine model, killing of adult parasites requires a sustained depletion of endosymbiotic bacteria (Wolbachia species). J Infect Dis. 2005 Oct 15;192 (8);1483-93
46) BRONSVOORT, B.M., A. RENZ, V. TCHAKOUTE, V. TANYA, D. EKALE, A.J. TREES (2005): Repeated high doses of avermectins cause prolonged sterilisation, but do not kill, Onchocerca ochengi adult worms in African cattle. Filaria J. 8; 4-8
47) WAGNER, J.F., H.W. SORG & A. RENZ (2005): The machine of Bohnenberger. European Journal of Navigation, 3 (4); 69-77 EJN 08’05 Science Wagner-Renz
48) FILIPE, J.A., M. BOUSSINESQ, A. RENZ, R.C. COLLINS, S. VIVAZ-MARTINEZ, M.E. GRILLET, M.P. LITTLE, M.G. BASANEZ (2005): Human infection patterns and heterogeneous exposure in river blindness. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 102 (42); 15265-270 Filipe et al. 2005 PNAS (Heterogeneous exposure in river blindness)
49) ACHU-KWI, D. W. HARNETT, P. ENYONG, A. RENZ (2007): Successful vaccination against Onchocerca ochengi in cattle using live Onchocerca volulus infective larvae as an heterologeous vaccine. Parasite Immunology 29 (3); 113-116. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3024.2006.00917.x Achukwi-et-al-2006-Successful-vaccination
50) RENZ, A. (2007): Bohnenbergers Gyroskop – Eine typisch Tübinger Erfindung. Tübinger Blätter 93, 27-34.
51) BASANEZ, MG; K. RAZALI; A. RENZ; D. KELLY (2007) Density-dependent host choice by disease vectors: epidemiological implications of the ideal free distribution. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 101: 256-269 Basáñez et al. 2007 TRSTMH Host choice by vectors
52) BRONSVOORT, MdeC, B. MAKEPEACE, A. RENZ, V.N. TANYA, L. FLECKENSTEIN, D.D. EKALE, A.J. TREES (2008): UMF 078: A modified flubendazole with potent macrofilaricidal activity against Onchocerca ochengi in African cattle. Parasites & Vectors. Bronsvoort-et-al-UMF-078
53) POST, R.J., J.L. CRAINEY, A. BIVAND, A. RENZ (2009): Laser-assisted microdissection for the study of the ecology of parasites in their hosts. Molecular Ecology Resources 9, 480-486 doi: 101111/j.1755-0998.2008.02437.x Post-et-al-men_2437
54) JACOBI, C. P. ENYONG, A. RENZ (2010): Individual exposure to Simulium bites and intensity of Onchocerca volvulus infection. Parasites & Vectors 2010, 3, 53 doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-3-53 JACOBI-ENYONG-RENZ-2010-1756-3305-3-53
55) HUSNA, M. E., SAADIA, A. Y., ELMANSOURY, Y.H., OSMAN, A. Y., A, MAJID, A.M., ALFONS RENZ (2010) Efficacy of Chloroquine, Ivermectin and Artemether on Onchocerca gutturosa in Zebu calves in Sudan. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr., (2010), 58, 229-239.
56) HILDEBRANDT, J., A. EISENBARTH, A. RENZ, A. STREIT (2012): Single worm genotyping demonstrates that Onchocerca ochengi females simultaneously produce progeny sired by different males. Parasitology Research, published online Doi: 10.1007/s00436-012-2983-x Hildebrandt_et-al(2012) Hildebrandt_et-al(2012)Suppl
57) WENK, P. A. RENZ (2012): Parasitism and evolution: Opposing versus balancing strategies, Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology. Doi: 10.1080/08912963.2012.692682 Wenk and Renz 2012
58) EISENBARTH, A., D. EKALE, J. HILDEBRANDT, M.D. ACHUKWI, A. STREIT, A. RENZ (2013): Molecular evidence of ‘Siisa form’, a new genotype related to Onchocerca ochengi in cattle from North Cameroon. Acta tropica 127 (2013), 261-5. DOI:
59) MANCHANG. T.K., I. AJONINA-EKOTI, D. NDJONKA, A. EISENBARTH, M.D. ACHUKWI, A. RENZ, N.W. BRATTIG, E. LIEBAU, M. BRELOER (2014): Immune recognition of Onchocerca volvulus proteins in the human host and animal models of onchocerciasis. Journal of Helminthology, DOI:
60) HILDEBRANDT, J.C., A. EISENBARTH; A. RENZ; A. STREIT (2014): Reproductive biology of Onchocerca ochengi, a nodule forming filarial nematode in zebu cattle. Vet. Parasitol. 205 (2014) 318-329.
61) WENK, P., A. RENZ (2014): Malaria: Wettrüsten oder Selbstkontrolle? Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, 67, Heft 6, 2014, S 276-299 (ask reprint from:
62) EBERLE, R., BRATTIG, N., TRUSCH, M., SCHLÜTER, H., ACHUKWI, M.D., EISENBARTH, A., RENZ, A., LIEBAU, E., PERBANDT, M., BETZEL, C. (2015): Isolation, identification and functional profile of excretory-secretory peptides from Onchocerca ochengi. Acta Tropica, 142 (2015) 156-166
63) EISENBARTH, A., ACHUKWI, M.D., RENZ, A. (2016): Ongoing Transmission of Onchocerca volvulus after 25 Years of Annual Ivermectin Mass Treatments in the Vina du Nord River Valley, in North Cameroon. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 10(2): e0004392. DOI: Eisenbarth-et-al-ongoing-transmission-pntd-0004392-2016
64) DOYLE, S.R., ARMOO, S., RENZ, A., TAYLOR, M.J., Mike Yaw Osei-Atweneboana OSEI-ATWENEBOANA, M.Y., GRANT, W.N. (2016): Discrimination between Onchocerca volvulus and O. ochengi filarial larvae in Simulium damnosum (s.l.) and their distribution throughout central Ghana using a versatile high-resolution speciation assay. Parasites & Vectors (2016) 9:536. DOI
65) JALETA, Tegegn, RÖDELSPERGER, C., ABANDA, B., EISENBARTH, A., ACHUKWI, M.D., RENZ, A., STREIT, A. (2018): Full mitochondrial and nuclear genome comparison confirms that Onchocerca sp. “Siisa” is Onchocerca ochengi. Jaleta_et al_submitted_R1 Accepted
66) BOURSOU, Djafsia, NDJONKA, D., EISENBARTH, A., MANCHANG, K., PAGUEM, A., NGWASIRI, N.N., VILDINA, J.D., ABANDA, B., KRUMKAMP, R. ,VAN HOORN, S., RENZ, A., ACHUKWI, M.D., LIEBAU, E., BRATTIG, N.W. (2018): Onchocerca-infected cattle produce strong antibody responses to excretory-secretory proteins released from adult male Onchocerca ochengi worms; BMC Infectious Diseases (2018) 18:200.
67) ABANDA, Babette, PAGUEM, A., ACHUKWI, M.D., RENZ, A. EISENBARTH, A. (2019), Development of a low-density DNA microarray for detecting tick-borne bacterial and piroplasmid pathogens in African cattle. tropicalmed-04-00064-v2
68) ABANDA, Babette, PAGUEM, A., MAMOUDOU, A., Manchang T.K., RENZ, A., EISENBARTH, A. (2019): Molecular identification and prevalence of tick‑borne pathogens in zebu and taurine cattle in North Cameroon. Parasites Vectors (2019) 12:448 DOI:
69) LENDZELE, Sevidzem S., MAMOUDOU, A., DICKMU, S., RENZ, A., ACAPOVI-YAO, G.L., MAVOUNGOU, J.F., GARABAD, R. (2019): Risk factors for the contamination of wild Stomoxys niger niger MACQUART 1851 (Diptera: Muscidae) with the foot-and-mouth disease virus. Current Research in Agricultural Sciences (2019) Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 95-108
ISSN(e): 2312-6418, ISSN(p): 2313-3716; DOI:
70) LENDZELE, Sevidzem L., S., EISENBARTH, A., ZINGA KOUMBA, R.C., MAVOUNGOU, J.F., RENZ, A. (2019): Aspects of the bionomics of hematophagous symbovine dipterans in a hyper-infested rangeland of Ngaoundere (Adamawa-Cameroon). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 22 (2019) 1019–1030; DOI:
71) PAGUEM, Archile, ABANDA, B., NDJONKA, D., WEBER, J.S., NGOMTCHO, S.C.H., MANCHANG, K.T., MAMOUDOU, A., EISENBARTH, A., RENZ, A., KELM, S. ACHUKWI, M.D. (2019): Widespread co-endemicity of Trypanosoma species infecting cattle in the Sudano-Sahelian and Guinea Savannah zones of Cameroon. BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:344: DOI:
72) KAMTSAP, P., PAGUEM, A., NGUEMAIM, F. NJIOKOU, F., RENZ, A., (2022): Testing the susceptibility of larval stages of Simulium to temephos and Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis in Germany and Northern Cameroon. Med Vet Entomol. (2022);1–14.
73) PAGUEM, A.,· MANS, B.J., KINGSLEY, M., ·RENZ, A., · APANASKEVICH, D., CHITIMIA-DOBLER, L. (2022): Haemaphysalis hoodi (Acari: Ixodidae) on a human from Yaoundé,
Cameroon, and its molecular characterization. Parasitology Research (2022):
74) PAGUEM, Archile, MANCHANG, K., KAMTSAP, P., RENZ, A.,, SCHAPER; S., DOBLER, G., BAKKES, D.K., CHTITIMIA-DOBLER, L. (2023): Ticks and Rickettsiae Associated with Wild Animals Sold in
Bush Meat Markets in Cameroon. Pathogens (2023), 12, 348.
B) Books, contributions to books etc. – Buchbeiträge, Kataloge und Lehrbuch
RENZ, A. (1990): Clothing and repellents against vector populations of Simulium. in: Appropriate Technology in Vector Control (edited by C.F. CURTIS), pp. 87-89. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida. Renz-Curtis-1990-Clothings-and-repellents
RENZ, A. (2001): Onchocerciasis, animal. In: The Encyclopedia of Arthropod-transmitted Infections. M.W. Service ed. CABI Publishing (579 pg). 375-381 Renz-Onchocerciasis-animal-CAB-2001
WENK, P. & A. RENZ (2003): Parasitologie – Biologie der Humanparasiten, 348 S, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 348 pg.
Buch Wenk & Renz, Biologie der Humanparasiten
RENZ, A. (2006): Das gelobte Land der Zoologen: Meeresbiologie und das Tübinger Naturalienkabinett im 19. Jahrhundert. In: Kunstformen des Meeres; Zoologische Glasmodelle von Leopold und Rudolph Blaschka 1863-1890. KH Wiegmann & M. Niepelt (ed.) in: Tübinger Kataloge 74; ISBN 3-910090-68-0. pp 85-102
RENZ, A. (2006): Professor Nörrenbergs ‚Kaffehmaschine’. In: Nicht nur für die Königin – Süßes aus der Tübinger Cafégeschichte. KH Wiegmann (ed.) in: Kleine Tübinger Schriften 30; ISBN 978-3-910090-73-6, pp 59-65 Renz-Nörrenbergs-Kaffehmaschine-2006
RENZ, A. (2006): Steinkind von Leinzell in: Achtundreissig Dinge – Schätze aus den natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen der Universität Tübingen. (V. Harms, G. Korff, A. Michels ed.), Tübingen 2006, pp 40-41
RENZ, A. (2006): Mikroskop No. 1 in: Achtundreissig Dinge – Schätze aus den natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen der Universität Tübingen. (V. Harms, G. Korff, A. Michels ed.), Tübingen 2006, pp 36-37.
RENZ, A. (2006): Cambridge Schaukelmikrotom & Thoma Schlittenmikrotom; in: Achtundreissig Dinge – Schätze aus den natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen der Universität Tübingen. (V. Harms, G. Korff, A. Michels ed.), Tübingen 2006, pp 48/49
DOBAT, K., A. RENZ (2006): Objekte aus dem Nachlass Joseph Gärtners; in: Achtundreissig Dinge – Schätze aus den natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen der Universität Tübingen. (V. Harms, G. Korff, A. Michels ed.), Tübingen 2006, pp 26/27
RENZ, A., C. Walther: (2007): C.F. Belthle – Mitbegründer der Leitz-Werke in Wetzlar. Tübinger Kataloge 55, 2007 Hin&Weg_Renz-PDF-2007
C) Short Reports -Kurzmitteilungen
1) RENZ, A., C. BARTHELMESS & W. EISENBEIß (1987): Vectorial capacity of Simulium damnosum s.l. populations in Cameroon. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 38, 344-345.Renz-Barthelmess-Eisenbeiss-TROPA-1987
2) RENZ, A., P. ENYONG & D. WEYLER (1987): The efficacy of appropriate clothing and of DEET-Simulium repellent as an individual protection against the transmission of onchocerciasis. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 38, 267. Renz-Enyong-Weyler-1987-Appropriate-Clothing-and-individual-protection
3) RENZ, A., J. SCHIBEL, M. EICHNER & P. ENYONG (1989): Animal filariae in anthropophilic Simulium spp. in North-Cameroon. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 40, 386-387. Renz-Schibel-Eichner-Enyong-1989-Animal-filariae-in-anthropophilic-Simulium
4) RENZ, A., C. BARTHELMESS, J.M. SCHIBEL & P.A. ENYONG (1990): Zoophily of Simulium damnosum and its significance for the epidemiology of human onchocerciasis in North Cameroon. Acta Leidensia, 59, 458-459.
5) SCHIBEL, J.M. & A. RENZ (1990): Differentiation of non-Onchocerca volvulus filarial larvae in anthropophilic Simulium spp. in North Cameroon. Acta Leidensia, 59, 460-461.
6) WAHL, G. & A. RENZ (1989): Onchocerca spp. of cattle and game in North Cameroon. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 40, 387. Renz-Schibel-Eichner-Enyong-1989-Animal-filariae-in-anthropophilic-Simulium
7) HARNETT, W., A.E. CHAMBERS, A. RENZ & R.M.E. PARKHOUSE (1989): Development of an oligonucleotide probe specific for Onchocerca volvulus. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 40, 84.
8 ) HOCH, B., G. WAHL, P. ENYONG, C.G.K. LÜDER, W. HARNETT & A. RENZ (1992): Serological recognition of specific and crossreactive antigens of Onchocerca ochengi and Onchocerca volvulus by infected cattle and humans. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 43, 206-207.
9) SCHULZ-KEY, H., G. WAHL, S. KLÄGER, A.J. TREES, D. ACHU-KWI & A. RENZ (1993): Onchocerca ochengi in African cattle: a new model for macrofilaricidal drug screening. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie und Hygiene, 325, 82.
10) RENZ, A. & M.D. ACHU-KWI (1997): Population dynamics of Onchocerca ochengi in cattle and O. volvulus in man. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, 286/2, 266.
11) WILDENBURG, G., A. PLENGE-BÖNIG, A. RENZ & D.W. BÜTTNER (1997): Localisation of mast cells and inflammatory cells around Onchocerca gutturosa and O. ochengi in cattle. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, 286/2, 266.
12) SEIDENFADEN, R., A. FISCHER, V. TANYA, U. MACKENSTEDT & A. RENZ: Synergistic beneficial effects of ivermectin mass-treatments and zooprophylaxis on the epidemiology of human onchocerciasis in northern Cameroon. Tropentag Hohenheim 1997, S 105.
13) FISCHER, A., R. SEIDENFADEN, D. EKALE, D. ACHU-KWI & U. MACKENSTEDT (1997): Onchocerca-Parasiten afrikanischer Rinder: hohe Prävalenz bei geringer Pathogenität. Tropentag Hohenheim 1997, S. 96.
14) RENZ, A. Can onchocerciasis be eliminated? Results from a 15 years follow-up of Onchocera volvulus transmission in an ivermectin mass-treated river bassin area in North Cameroon. DPG-Jahrestagung in Lübeck-Travemünde, 20.-23. 3. 2002
15) RENZ, A. A.J. TREES, M.B. de C. BRONSVOORT, J. GILBERT, K. HENKLE-DÜHRSEN, U. MACKENSTEDT, M. DONNELLY, V. TANYA (2002): Filaricidal activity of tetracycline in the bovine Onchocerca ochengi model. DPG-Jahrestagung in Lübeck-Travemünde, 20.-23. 3. 2002
16) PLAPPERT, S. Lübeck
17) LAY, Würzburg 2004
18) PLAPPERT, S. Würzburg 2004
19) RENZ, A. (2004): The feasibility of onchocerciasis eradication? Results from a 17-year follw-up of Simulium biting rates and Onchocerca-transmission potentials in a Mectizan-mass-treated area in North Cameroon indicate the need for new macrofilaricides. DGaaE Nachrichten 18, S. 120.
20) RENZ, A., R. GERECKE, P. MARTIN (2004): Parasitic mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) on pupae and adults of Simuliidae (Insecta: Diptera). DGaaE Nachrichten 18, S. 121-122. Simulium-Mites-komp
21) RENZ, A. (2007): Der Tübinger Universitätsmechanikus Johann W.G. Buzengeiger: Bestandsaufnahme der von ihm gefertigten Instrumente. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (VI), 4/2007; S. 338. ISSN 0420-0195.
d) Mimeographed documents – Reporte, WHO-Berichte Diplomarbeiten etc.
Renz, A. (1977): Levels of ATP (Onchocerca volvulus Annual Transmission Potentials) in a savanna area of Norther Cameroon. WHO/OCP/SAP/77/WP.6, 14 pg. Renz-1977-Levels-of-Annuals-Transmission-Potentials (This was the meeting, when we fixed the entomological criteria for OCP: ‘ATP of 100’ and ‘ABR of 1000’.
Anderson, J., H. Fuglsang, A. Renz (1977): Rapport succinct sur l’onchocercose et ses incidences particulières au Nord Cameroon. Mimeographed document. 6 pg. Rapport-succinct-sur-l-onchocercose- Anderson-Fuglsang-Renz-1977
Renz, A. (1982): Studies on the reinvasion by Simulium damnosum s.l. into the eastern areas of the Onchocerciasis Control Programme and on the vectorial capacity of different members of the S. damnosum complex in Togo and Benin 1982. Consultancy-report to WHO-OCP. Mimeographed document, 41 pg. RENZ-Togo-1982-reinvasion-Simulium-Onchocerca
Renz, A. (1982): The use of morphological characters for the identification of the adult female flies of the three groups: Simulium damnosum/S. sirbanum, S. squamosum and S. soubrense/S. sanctipauli. Consultancy report to WHO-OCP. Mimeographed document. RENZ-Togo-1982-Morphological-criteria-Simulium-damnosum
Renz, A. (1982): The extension of those areas in North Togo, that are exposed to the phenomenon of reinvasion: A mathematical approach to the rate of dispersal of the flies in the savanna. Consultancy report to WHO-OCP. Mimeographed document. RENZ-Togo-1982-Extension-of-reinvasion-areas
Renz, A. (1983): The course of reinvasion by Simulium damnosum s.l. into the eastern areas of the Onchocerciasis Control Programmeduring the rainy season and investigations on the vectorial efficiency and dispersal of different fly-populations in Togo and Benin 1982. Consultancy-report to WHO-OCP. Mimeographed document, 48 pg. RENZ-Togo-1983-reinvasion-Simulium-Onchocerca
Renz, A. (1987) CEC-Report, Experimental Bti-trials (Renz, A. C. Barthelmess, J. Rutschke, W. Deschle, P. Enyong) 1987-Renz-CEC-Report-Experimental-treatment-of Simulium-breedings-sites
Eichner, Martin (1989): The technique of intrathoracic injection. In: Report of the CEC-Meeting in Tübingen (A. Renz ed.) Eichner-intrathoracic-injection-1989
Bley, Volker (1995): Populationsdynamik der Filarie Onchocerca ochengi (Nematoda Filarioidea) in Afrikanischen Rindern. Diplomarbeit, Uni. Tübingen, 60 S. Bley-Volker-1995-Diplom-Popul-Dynamik-Onchocerca-ochengi
Renz, A. 2011: Das Universalinstrument von Reichenbach und Utzschneider im Kleinen Observatorium auf dem Schloß Hohentübingen. Unterlagen zur Sichtung des Geräts für den Fundus Tübinger Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Kleines-Observatorium-Beschreibung-Renz-2011-2018
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