Sevidzem Lendzele and Archile Paguem back in Tübingen
After Christmas, new collaborators came to Tübingen: Sevidzem Lendzele, who had already been here for 3 months in the summer and Archile Paguem, who comes for his 3rd stay.
Sevidzem had worked together with Tübingen Bachelor-student Leif Rauhöft in Ngaoundéré, testing new traps for catching Simulium and other bloodhungry vector flies. (=> see the report of Leif Rauhöft). He now shall identify these flies by classics and molucular gentic techniques and screen them for virusses, they may eventually transmit.
Archile Paguem is focussing on the evaluation of the 3 Tb of sequencing data of the Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) of 5 different Cameroonian cattle breds (Bos taurus and Bos indicus breeds) we received from CEGAT and analyse in cooperation with the QBIC center.
Also on the pictue is Prof. Elisabeth Bum from Cameroon, the supervosor of PhD-student Babette Abanda (right).