DFG-Meeting in Yaoundé
The this year’s annual meeting of the DFG-partners in the field of Neglected Parasitic Diseases in Africa took place in Yaoundé, the catital of Cameroon.
About 100 partners met in the Dejeuga palace hotes from the 1 st to 5th of June to present their on-going projects. Prior to the presentation, a young-scientist’s workshop provided insight into the skills of writing grant applications and managing DFG-funded projects.
Our project was represented by Prof. Daniel Achukwi from IRAD Bambui, Dr. Kingslay Manchang from IRAD Wakwa, Drs. Moses Samje and Flore Nguemaim from the University of Bamnda, the PhD-students Nancy Nwasiri and Archille Paguem from the university of Ngaoundéré and Drs Albert Eisenbarth and PD Alfons Renz from the Programme Onchocercose field station of the Tübingen University.