MSc Archile Paguem Eric II

AG Parasitologie (PD Dr. A. Renz)
LS Vergl. Zoologie (Inst. EVE)
Auf der Morgenstelle 28
72076 Tübingen

Phone: +49-7071-29-78862

Programme Onchocercoses

PO Box 65 Ngaoundere, CAMEROUN
Phone: +237 78450378

Research interests

I am interested in three hot interconnected topics: Biology of vector born parasites (black flies, tsetse flies, mechanical vectors and ticks), parasites (Trypanosomes, Tick borne pathogens and Nematodes) and their bovine host. My overall aims are to understand the epidemiology, evolution and interaction of vectors and parasites and host in the rapid changing African ecology. I am using molecular genetics and next generation sequencing the maintain the indigenous cattle diversity and improve productivity.


2012 –    University of Ngaoundere  PhD in Animal genetic and genomics Funded by DFG, Otto-Bayer fellow ship, IFS and RISK grant of university of Tubingen; Supervisors: Prof. Dr. D. Achukwi, Prof. Dr. D. Ndjonka and PD. Dr. A. Renz

PhD Thesis:  Molecular genetic studies of the susceptibility of Cameroonian taurine cattle to parasite co-infections and background of genetic diversity

2009- 2011  University of Ngaoundéré: Master in Animal biology and physiology. First Class Honours

Supervisors:  Prof. Dr. Achukwi Daniel and Dr. Ndjonka Dieudonne

MSc-Thesis: Reconnaissance des antigènes recombinants d’Onchocerca ochengi (O.o RAL2 et O.o RBP) par les Immunoglobulines G dans le plasma des bovins Zébus Gudali (Bos indicus) infestés par Onchocerca ochengi ( grade B +)

2005- 2009  University of Ngaoundéré: Bachelor in Animal Biology and Physiology


Sept 2012: Veterinary research laboratory, Institute of Agricultural Research, Ngaoundéré (IRAD).

2011: Teaching Assistant. (IRAD) Selected by the Head of the Department of Animal health to give seminar to master Degree and last year vet students on molecular biology and immunology techniques. Seminar: “Introduction to next generation sequencing and application in animal health and diagnostics”. Assisting organisation of seminar entitled “Introduction to PCR and nested PCR” each year which is part of core module in master degree program in Ecology at the Univ. of Ngaoundere. Assisting master students of biology and veterinary medicine in their lab work and data analysis.


Djafsia, B., D. Ndjonka, A. Eisenbarth, M. Kingsley, A. Paguem, N. N, Ngwasiri, J. D. Vildina, B. J. Abanda, R. Krumkamp, S. van Hoorn, A. Renz, M. D. Achukwi, E. Liebau, N. Brattig, “Immune recognition of Onchocerca ochengi ES products”, BMCinfectious diseases, in press

Archile Paguem, Babette Guimbang Abanda, Ngwasiri Nancy Ngwafu, Silke van Hoorn, Albert Eisenbarth, Norbert Brattig,  Dieudonne Ndjonka, Mbunkah Daniel Achukwi4) and  Alfons Renz.. Separation of viable microfilariae of Onchocerca ochengi from cattle skin and gravid adult female worms by density gradient centrifugation combined with gel filtration, manuscript in preparation

Archile Paguem, Babette Guimbang Abanda, Dieudonne Ndjonka, Ngwasiri Nancy Ngwafu, Albert Eisenbarth, Adrian Streit Alfons Renz and Mbunkah Daniel Achukwi , “Molecular characterisation of trichostrongylids reveals concurrent infestations of ovine and bovine trichostrongylid species in Zebu Gudali cattle in Ngaoundere, Cameroon”, manuscript in preparation

Archile Paguem, Babette Guimbang Abanda, Dieudonne Ndjonka, Albert Eisenbarth, Claudine Ngomchio, Judith Weber, Alfons Renz, Mbunkah Daniel Achukwi and Soege Kelm “Molecular survey of Trypanosomes in cattle naturally infected reveal different species including T. theileri, T. grayi and T. evansi in the northern Cameroon”, manuscript in preparation