Cameroon’s richness of more than 50 ethnic groups and languages – only to mention the more important ones – is also reflected by the variety of traditions, cultures and artefacts. Masques and myths the North-West Grasland, yellow-cast bronzes in Foumban, potteries and calebasses in the Savanna; Islam, traditional religions and all kind of Christian churches are found and co-exist without problems.

Cameroon artists are amongst the most sucessfuls in Africa, as concerns music, writing and painting. Beautiful  clothes are made for men and women.

Here we shall present a few arts and artists, related to our work and project:

Issek, Cameroonian Painter who designed the programme logo

Issek, a handicaped painter, designed the logo and many of the painting in the house and lab. Issek was the Cameroonian ‘painter of the year in 2005’ and made exhibitions in Africa, France and USA.

Despite his severe handicap, Issek became famous and successfull as a painter. He now runs an artist training center in Ngaoundéré – financed by the American Ambassy – where others, many of them handicaped like himself, learn to earn their lifes by art.







Valerie, from the same village as Issek, came to visit us in 2010. He learned with Issek and follows his line:


Libération des femmes africaines, Valery Messe, 2007





























A student from Tübingen, Bettina Schreier, designed a more comfortable version of the Onchocerca parasite life cycle:

An Oncho-cycle to rest on.


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