Entries by website administrator


A very warm welcome to the homepage of Programme Onchocercoses. Our research network in Ngaoundéré, Cameroon, is based on over 35 years of successful partnership between research institutes in Germany, Great Britain, France and many other countries. It combines resources, know-how and skills of the participating partners to answer key questions and improve the understanding […]

New WILD M5 dissecting microscope for Kalip

The dissecting microscope, Kalip has been using to examine Simulium flies for filarial infections, has been the oldest in our lab: It was bought in 1976 and shipped to Cameroon directly from Switzerland. For 35 years, the microscope has served in the humid rain-forest and dusty savannah. Its mechanical parts are still looking very fine, […]

25 years Lake Nyos disaster

It is now 25 years that lake Nyos in the Nord-West Province released a toxic cloude of volcanic gazes that killed 1.700 people. Spiegel-Online commemorates this disaster:  http://einestages.spiegel.de/static/topicalbumbackground/23352/toedliche_wolke_aus_dem_see.html Volcanic activities still continue at Mount Cameroon. During its last eruption a flow of lava of 16 km almost reached the coast. The volcanic lava still smoking […]

Charitable donation received!

Programme Onchocercoses thanks to a private donor for his support of our research in Cameroon. He wrote: “Sie haben mir von Ihrem persönlichen Einsatz bei der Bekämpfung der Flussblindkrankheit erzählt und mich mit Ihrer Schilderung der Genese dieser Krankheit und den Chancen ihrer Bekämpfung gefesselt, dabei auch meine biologischen Interessen angesprochen. Ich glaube und hoffe, […]