Afrika-Festival Tübingen 2016

The Tübingen Afrika-Festival 2016 has started!

From Thursday morning till Sunday evening, the Afrika-Festival Tübingen 2016 shall take place on the Festplatz in Tübingen. Like every year, we are present in a pavillon, where we inform about our research activities in Cameroon.

Particular topics of this year’s festival are the scientific collaboration & research.

Mor information on the festival is available at:

Our last year’s presentatation can be found at:

and a report about our scientific co-operation and research under: => pages 16 ff!

We are looking forward to this meeting – the temperatures are already Africa-like hot.

And we would be very pleased meeting you there in our pavillon, close to the entrance of the festival-site.

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Issek’s New Wheel Chair

These photos show Issek, a Cameroonian artist receiving his new wheelchair. A big thank you to Dr. Irmgard Schreier from Tübingen, Germany for donating the wheelchair and Air France for priority transportation of the chair.
Issek is an artist based in Cameroon. He designed the logo for Programme Onchocercoses with Dr. Renz.